Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Cypher

As hiphops founding generation began to lobby for intense scrutiny of what was considered to be “real”. Hiphop artists did not simply represent a community or what was real but, a brand and a product. Production crews began to focus on the “business” and as a result, real life and real hip-hop became a culture for the younger generations to follow. In this constant debate of what’s real and what is not, the right to represent the hip hop nation has been substantiated by its members’ purchase and copying of recordings, memorization of rap lyrics, practice and freestyle performance, loyalty to crews and individuals and participating in some aspects of hiphops elements and in evaluation of artists skills. Long term members, who are members that represent and protect hiphop and express a commitment to its culture, bring forth the cypher. The cypher is unique in that it is a true test of talent and artistry. The center of the cypher can be occupied by MCS demanding an audience, competition and critical evaluation. Cyphers are considered to be the heart of the underground because all styles, values, norms, and beliefs of hiphop must come together in order for an MC to represent. (Morgan, 2009) My question for all of you is, why is it that cyphers or the art of free styling is given more credit towards what real hiphop represents than actual written and refined lyrics?

1 comment:

  1. I feel that to many, cyphering and free-styling is more impressive because of the fact that it has to be done on the spot and it shows whether or not an artist is good on their feet. I don't quite understand why it is seen better than those who write lyrics, because I feel that lyrics tell a deeper message. I feel that both are equally important and significant parts of Hip-Hop and cannot be compared because they are both drastically different types and styles. Great question!
