Tuesday, November 27, 2012

#Black on Both Sides

To the left is a picture of one of my favorite albums: "Black on Both Sides," by Mos Def. 

I was thinking about this album a bunch today, as I was listening to "Umi Says," (below.) Please play it while you are reading.


I think that he put his face on there to show that he is him and is always him. There is no other side. There is no "half-man half-amazing" element to him. There is just him.

This album represents that as well, as he flips the script with many of the songs on here. It shows that he does have changes in his mind and wants to talk about different topics, from tracks titled*: "Ms. Fat Booty," to "New World Water."

*The content of the songs is a different story, however; not as brash as they seem - they do get the point across, however.

I just wanted to know what you all think of the concept of this album cover. If you don't have any opinions. Stream this album. Please.
black on both sides by Malik Coburn on Grooveshark

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