Our history starts off at a young age, where I would dance to hip hop's music at bar and bat mitzvahs, because nothing says "Mazel Tov! You're an adult!" quite like the crooning voice of Lil Jon spitting "to the window, to the wall, to the sweat drop down my balls." How fitting for a bunch of 13 year olds. Which reminds me, my brother is 12 and his favorite song is "Whistle" by Flo Rida. And we all know what that means, except for him (no seriously, he goes to a Jewish middle school, he really doesn't know what it means which is hilarious). It makes me sad that that song could be classified as "Hip Hop". I believe hip hop is more meaningful than just getting sex and money, but if the song isn't about that, then it probably won't make it to the present day Top 40 on the radio. I rediscovered hip hop my freshman year of college (this is also the time I began to listen to Latin music and appreciate it). But as of now, I feel like I'm on a first date with hip hop. I've always known I've liked hip hop, but rarely do I have a favorite album. Mostly it's just songs here and there that people have introduced me to. Hip hop is my acquaintance at the party where in real life we'll smile weakly at each other or not acknowledge one another's presence, but when we're drunk we're the best of friends, (you all know what I'm talking about). I have all sorts of albums on my ipod which have never been touched. Its music was left on my digital racks collecting dust, hoping one will get the chance to serenade me while my ipod is on shuffle. I want to get to know hip hop better. I want to know its likes, dislikes, wants, needs. I'm ready to delve into a relationship with hip hop, but as of now it still feels like a first date. We're getting to know each other, understand each other's interests while trying to fill the void of awkward silences over our first dinner. I've seen hip hop around but I've never listened to it whole heartedly, feeling its emotions while thinking "yeah, I can relate to that." Hip hop was always something I wanted to get to know but never really put forth the effort to do so. But now I think I'm ready to commit. I've changed my hip hop name! I decided my other one was too convoluted and was funny for about 2 seconds and then I got over it. I'm changing it to CaitDangerous. Hopefully I won't change it again (Not sure I'm even allowed to now?) But I'm way too indecisive. My favorite hip hop songs (I've tried to pick ones that describe me, but I mostly just chose what I'm into at the moment):
If anyone ever needed any assurance about how white I am, here it is:
I love the bar mitzvah hip hop references... Wonderful example of pop hip hop crossings...