Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Police Brutality, Racism, and Discrimination in NYC

Today a Facebook friend of mine posted this video on the ever so controversial "stop and frisk" policy in NYC.  After our discussion on message rap and on Hip-Hop views of the police, this video seems so relevant. Also, this video give the viewer an interesting insight on racial minorities struggles with the police on the East Coast after we read all of the material on Hip Hop's relationship to law enforcement in Los Angeles. 

This "stop and frisk" policy has been surrounded by controversy since its beginning, and continues to become even more controversial.
At one point in the video an anonymous police officer says that the policy really forces police officers and victims of there searches to feel an "us against them mentality." In order to meet the "quota" (that the NYPD refuses to formally admit exists) officers are forced to racially profile individual against there own personal beliefs. This policy and citizens reaction to it further exemplifies minority group’s distrust and hate for law enforcement officers. It also vividly depicts the very apparent aspect of racism that is said to be very prevalent in NYC.

Take 13 minutes out and watch this video, it's extremely well done and contains a lot of interesting perspectives on racial profiling, police corruption, and other interesting things that are worth examining after our talk on Hip-Hop's relationship with the police. Feel free to post any thoughts, possible solutions, and just anything else this video evoked for you. 

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