Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hip Hop and Kids

So it seems today that the target age for hip hop continues to get younger and younger and in some ways this could be a sign that it is becoming more a part of our culture and widely accepted which I see as a good thing because it is an art that should be appreciated. The ad below is not the one on TV the other day but since I cannot find the one that has the kids break dancing with mickey in the baggy jeans and flat brim hats this will have to do.
When I saw this I could not believe my eyes. Fisher price which is a toy company with a main target age of 8 years and younger made a break dancing Mickey. And honestly it is pretty up to par for actual break dancing moves for a kids toy. I think it is somewhat shocking how young kids are starting to be introduced to hip hop. I mean I heard it growing up but I did not fully become immersed in in until about the 7th or 8th grade. So this new target age is something to be curious about and see how it effects the hip hop culture.

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