Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Levels of Dance

I really enjoyed the video we watched of the turf dancing in Monday’s class and I began to look up pictures and videos of hip hop dance because I realized I have not been exposed to much of it.  While searching, I happened upon this picture:

I really enjoy this picture and I think it speaks volumes.  Right away I was struck by the three layers of dance moves and how the eye is drawn to each individually.  I like how each level utilizes a different form of strength with each of them and within this picture, it shows the diversity of the dance genre.  Also, they are all wearing the same outfit: white pants, sneakers, and no shirt.  This allows for the layers to become cohesive and to allow the eye to go throughout the picture effortlessly.  I feel that this picture would not have a strong presence if it was just one of the dancers; with all three, it places a sense of communality within the picture as well as within the genre of music and dance.

I hope you enjoy this picture as much as I do.  Let me know what else you see.

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