Friday, October 12, 2012


I really liked the topics we talked about in class this past week. I find it fascinating how words can be so loaded with meaning depending on when, where, and who says them. In regards to the n-word I think there is something to be said about Eminem and how he is socially accepted among the hip hop/ rap community that allows him to throw around this word so freely and in whatever context.
How does one earn such a social freedom?
What specifically did Eminem do to gain so much respect?
As someone who knows very little about Hip Hop and everyone involved in the genre, I find Eminem to be a figure that I too respect. I was listening to an interview staring Eminem on Jimmy Kimmel Live and they discussed his album of baby lullabies. I had to share this because the cover of the album is just great.

1 comment:

  1. Eminem gained so much respect because he came from a poor broken home and PROVED his talent. He is so talented, and that is why he gets this respect that you speak of. I do not, what so ever, think that Eminem is accepted to throw around the term freely and whenever he wants. He has a whole lot of respect in the hip hop world because of the amount of records that he has sold and the struggles that he has gone through in life. Im sure that he might say it from time to time, but it is in a different context. I don't think that it would be socially acceptable for Eminem to throw around this term all the time, and as loosely as you say that he does
